Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How do Serbians look like?

Let's quote wise site StopSerbophilia

Pro-serb groups in Russian social networks are overflowing with photos of Serbs with an overly Slavic appearance, which can hardly be distinguished from the Russians. In reality, the average Serb looks more like an Albanian or people from the Caucasus region. A significant part of the Serbs generally descended from the Roma. In any case, apparently this people is very diverse and certainly not like the Eastern Slavs. Further pictures of real Serbs, in particular, Serbian patriots: 


serbian leader

serbian sportsman

sebian nationalism

srbian chetnik


Masson Gavrilo Princip, the national hero of serbs

Russian blogger on "Serbo-Russian brotherhood"

Taken and translated from "Русские в НДХ" 2011.

I will share my thoughts. No matter how many times people tried to prove that Russians should love, care and cherish the Serbs, I will never understand such rhetoric. No matter how much I heard that I should be for the Serbs in the wars of 1992-1999, I will never be for the Serbs. The reason is simple. No arguments to me would not bring in favor historical correctness of the Serbs, but I know ONE argument against the Serbs - that they are commies. And you know, guys, this one argument against the Serbs interrupts everything, absolutely all the arguments in favor of the Serbs. Communism existed in Serbia until 1999, and up until this point there was a red star on the Serbian military flags. There was no independent Serbian non-communist force during the Yugoslav wars. Under the red star, the Serbs invaded Slovenia and Croatia, the only fault of which was that they did not want to live under serbian Sovietism. The Slovenes during the "Ten Day War" defeated the Jugoslav People Army. The Croatian war lasted longer and was more bloody. And no matter how “chauvinists” the Croats were, they had the full moral right to defend their land from some idiots, in whose heads there was an eerie mix of communism, titoism, Greater Serbia chauvinism (by the way, the Great Serbian doctrine is stolen by them from us, the Russians) and red pseudo-orthodoxy. What is dear to Russians in red Yugoslavia?

I was told that the side of the Serbs must be accepted because, since 1991, they have been fighting against the "aggression of world Zionism." Sorry, I do not know any "international Zionism" and I'm not interested in the fight against it, but I know that in 1991-1999 in the former Yugoslavia the struggle against communism was waged, and the Serbs were the communists, it was they who fought under the red flags and clung red stars to the caps. According to the Soviet patriots, I have to choose the side of the communists, just because they "fought against Zionism" (sic!). Isn't that funny?

The Serbs, anyway, are simply a unique copy of our local commies. All the same "good Putin will help us" and "the Judeo-Masonic West wants to eat us." Just instead of "good Stalin" - "good Tito". Therefore, our "patriotards" fall in love with Serbs, seeing them as their own image in the mirror. Serbs will never understand our idea of anti-communist national Russia. They are already “fixed in anti-Western, “anti-Zionist” discourse. But for Russians, the West is not an enemy, just as the Jews, by and large, are not enemies of the Russians. I will never understand why we, because of some kind of mythical friendship with the Serbs, these Balkan commies, need for no reason to hate the Croats, who did not do anything bad to the Russians? I do not care from the high bell tower on the "victims of the Ustashe", in fact the Serbian analogue of fairy tales. Patriotards, tell me: why do we need the Serbs? 

And I will repeat this argument again and again, because it is completely incomprehensible to me why I, a Russian anti-communist, should be standing for commies (cuz Serbs were and are scoops)?

It is quite natural that in the confrontation of anti-communists (Croats) and communists (Serbs) I am siding with anti-communists. And it should be obvious to all Russians.

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