Wednesday, July 17, 2019


In the bloodiest incident of the three-month peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, Russian soldiers killed three Serbs who fired on them after refusing to stop an attack on Albanians. The gun battle took place in the American sector of Kosovo, in the southeastern part of the province. According to a NATO, the Russians rushed to the largely Serb village of Korminjane, northeast of Gniljane, early on Monday after reports of a firefight. Once they got to the scene of the gunfight, the Russian K-FOR soldiers ordered the Serbs to stop beating a wounded ethnic Albanian man. Two other Albanians, one critically wounded and one dead, were found in a nearby car. Instead, the Serbs shot at the Russians, who returned fire, killing three of them. There were no Russian casualties.

SOUNDBITE: (English) "The Russian patrol heard firing nearby, went to that site where the fire was coming from, found three individuals holding rifles beating an individual who was on the ground. At that point, they told the individuals to stop. They (the Serbs) turned and began firing on the Russian patrol. The Russian patrol responded with fire, defending themselves, killing all three individuals." SUPER CAPTION: Captain Larry Kaminsky, U-S Army The incident remains under investigation, but it appears to be in accordance with regulations allowing the 40-thousand NATO-led peacekeepers to use deadly force to defend themselves. NATO Secretary General Javier Solana gave his support for the Russians' decision, saying they had a right to defend themselves in difficult and life-threatening situations. SOUNDBITE: (English) "Let me say something about the Russian contingent. I think they are doing as professionally a job in difficult and dangerous circumstances as all other K-FOR countries, K-FOR troops. That has been very clearly shown. Also, this morning, with the firefight with three armed Serbs in eastern Kosovo. Therefore, they all deserve - the Russian K-FOR troops - our full support and all the support and all the respect."

SUPER CAPTION: Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General Ethnic Albanians accuse Russian troops of favouring the Serbs, fellow Slavs who share the same Orthodox traditions. They claim Russian mercenaries fought with Serbs during the 18-month crackdown against ethnic Albanians, during which an estimated 10-thousand people were killed. Despite the allegations, U-S and NATO commanders have said Moscow's troops have been evenhanded since arriving in Kosovo on June 12 to help enforce the peace agreement.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Russian about life in Serbia

Full version of text read in the Russian source  Note it's google translated from the memories of pro-Serb Russian actually living in Serbia now.

 I'm amazed by all those massively emerging YouTube bloggers who praise life in  Serbia. One gets the impression that this is either trolling, or this audience just arrived yesterday, or it only looks at Serbian life through the windows of Kafan and clubs. And all this is built on ecstatic (superficial) emotions and common stereotypes: "rich Russians", "Russians support Putin", "special appearance and love for Russians in Serbia", mostly woven by Russian propaganda of the myths about luxury life in Russia and the inexplicable love of the Serbs to the Russians. In reality, this "love" does not go beyond the words "I love Putin" or "I love Russia", behind which lies the cult of a particular person, and the Russian themselves for Serbs are not very interesting. All these "brotherly" smiles and grimaces, as a rule, boil down to exploring the depth of your wallet and the possibility of obtaining benefits.

Separately, it should be mentioned that after the presidential elections in 2017, degenerative changes affected almost all areas of life, such a global deterioration. In 2015-2016 there were only the beginning.

Like their roadside colleagues in Russia, the Serbian traffic cops do not miss the chance to shake off cash for a formal offense, not wanting to draw up a protocol.

Perhaps because of the reluctance to conflict, you can often see a demonstration of "culture", especially in transport. Backpacks, for example, do not remove, beat them on the face, heads, crush others. Women bag, beating on your head with each braking, does not cause the hostess a desire to apologize, etc. With such round eyes Serbs will look in answer to the remark.

It’s better to be more careful on the market until you learn the language. Only to hear that Russian accent - the price becomes different [higher], it’s better to buy at the supermarket the first time, and the prices are almost the same. Openly sell home brew (rakiya).

Particularly annoying is the desire of almost everyone in Serbia, from the state to the petty market trader, to snatch an extra dinar from "rich Russians" from "prosperous Russia". Sometimes it comes to the absurd.

As it's said by Serbian people - lopovska Srbija. (Serbia of Thieves). I have not experienced this during  last 20 years of life in Russia.

In six years of living in Serbia, there have been two cases of theft. The first case in the first month of arrival in the country, the purse was pulled out in the bus, unfortunately because we  lost vigilance after the stories of the fraudsters about the "wonderful Serbia". The second robbery attempt happened as early as January 2018, right on the street in the center, two youngsters came up behind, trying to open the purse, but a Serb girl who became a witness scared them off. And this happened even with extremely rare raids into the city.

Cars do not seem to be opened, but some parts can be twisted easily. Therefore, our outdoor parking at the house is now lighting and video surveillance. It is better not to leave anything to lie or stand bad.
There are a lot of garbage containers, often close to the house or porch. Many who want to profit from the content of garbage containers. Gypsies on converted motoblocks, fairly decently dressed people (sometimes on decent foreign cars) - all digging at containers throughout the day. Dogs, crows pull out the bags and carry the contents. Rats of size of a small cat.

Garbage collection does not always work unstable. Heaps have time to gather on the sidewalk. Containers are often not secured, roll, blow by a parked car. Trash has been carried by wind along the streets and between the houses for years. No janitors, all at the mercy of the tenants. Janitors can only be seen in the center and in elite areas.

Serbs smoke everything and everywhere, not paying attention to the presence of children and women, do not even ask permission to smoke. This is an integral part of the life of Serbian society, which everyone accepts by default.

The cleanliness and hygiene of the Serbs is very lame, it is very noticeable in the transport. Teachers teach children to wash once a week.

Openness and immediacy are sometimes shocking. The promiscuity deserves a special place in the description of the Serbs. This can be seen in cars on the sidelines, in parks, outskirts of the city, and even just under a bush. They write about it in newspapers, it is punishable by fines, but, as we observe, nothing scares the Serbs. You just have to keep in mind when you pass with the child near the next car. "Places of comfort" are not difficult to recognize the abundance around disposable wipes and condoms.

 On the outskirts of the capital garbage heaps and dead animals near residential buildings. Serbs just come in private cars at night and throw away household or construction waste, cats throw them by the road, into a pile of rubbish or just into the bushes. Even Russians seem now more cleanangry. Sleeping areas are not cleaned, dirt and debris around the houses and clinics.

Lots of stray dogs in Belgrade. We have to drive away from the child at home. Once, good, a leg from a prokus was protected by thick Leivas. Nobody responds to calls to the catch service, as the neighbors said. They called themselves, the cameraman recorded the phone, specified the address and promised to send the first free brigade. Of course, no one came. Now we walk around like the others. They never would have believed that in the capital of Serbia they would have to fend off dogs, this was not even seen in Russia. As it turned out every year thousands of people are judged because of the attack and the bites of stray dogs. There are deaths and disabilities no

There are no places for dog walking. The owners do not collect feces; this is the main decoration of Belgrade sidewalks.


zoophilia, зоофилия, Сербия, извращенцы
Yeah, dogs and perverts are a huge problem in Serbia

Serbs about Strelkov-Girkin

There is known unflattering remarks from the memories of Girkin about the Serbian brothers of the time of his mercenary in Bosnia. What do Serbian brothers think about Girkin himself? Further you can read quotes of the most famous Serbian sniper mercenary  who fought on the side of the Donetsk People Republic (DPR) terrorists shoulder to shoulder with Girkin.

Dejan Beric is a man of medium height and age. He speaks Russian with an accent, but understandable. By the look of Berich, it is impossible to understand that he is one of the most famous DPR snipers, on whose account there are many dead Ukrainian soldiers. Deyan does not wear awards DPR (although he has them), speaks calmly and very politely.

Beric spoke about his current situation. He married a Russian citizen and now lives near Moscow. He lives on the passport of a citizen of the DPR, who, according to him, is recognized in Russia on a par with the internal passports of citizens of the Russian Federation.

A question was also asked about Igor Strelkov. Beric promised 10 days later to publish information about him. However, at the meeting, the Serbian sniper described Strelkov very negatively. According to Beric, the Strelkov before the conflict is “the largest man in the territory of Russia”, who helped Serbia. Beric really believed him, until he found out that Strelkov gave the order to kill him, Beric. At the same time, the attack on Beric was prepared by the decision of the Serbian authorities and had to be carried out through the Serbs from Strelkov’s headquarters. In Moscow, during a personal meeting, Strelkov informed Berich that he had received an order to kill him. 

According to Berich, “Strelkov's task was to involve Russia into the war of 2014”. The activity of Strelkov's bands led to the fact that now the Cossacks are considered to be very bad people in the DPR. At the same time, Strelkov also had a mercenary motive. According to Beric, “Strelkov earned very good money on Serbian volunteers” in the Donbass.

Strelkov-Girlin and Serbs, Girkin in DPR
Serbian wog surrounded by Soviet grannies in Yekaterinburg. Is there any porn about it?

Strelkov-Girlin and Serbs, Girkin in DPR
Obviously, he participated in Putin's aggression clearly not for an apple.

Source: Stopserbophilia blog in Russian

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