Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Interview with Српска Акција clowns

A brief interview taken by stopserbophilia guys from a marginal and freaky Serbian party "Српска Акција" in 2017, which represents idiocy of Serbian nationalism at its best. Serbian idiot actually believed he's talking to Kremlin's journalist.

1. Firstly, I want to ask you about the perspective of the Russian-Serbian brotherhood. I know that many Russian volunteers fought for Serbia in many wars. Now, the Serbs are fighting for us in Novorossiya. Should Putin or another Russian leader send the troops to liberate Kosovo and other Serbian lands? Should we wait for the new Serbian Orthodox crusade?

It is well known that the Serbian-Russian brotherhood comes not only from our common Orthodox Christian faith and Slavonic culture, but also from the fact that destinies of our two nations are intertwined. Many times throughout history we fought together for freedom, and we will continue to do so. Serbian Armed Forces can easily deal with our enemies in the Balkans. But if the Zionist War Machine (NATO) encroach on us again, we expect Russia to intervene accordingly. Long gone are the shameful days of Yeltsin era.

2. You are Serbian nationalists. What do you fight for? What is your main goal? What do you think about the situation in your country? What is wrong with Serbia?

Serbian Action is the Christian national-revolutionary movement that strives for spiritual and statehood renewal of the Serbian nation. We fight for unified Serbian state with authoritative Christian rule, a strong and socially just country in which we would live as free and proud people, not as enslaved and exploited “citizens”. Unfortunately, Serbia is currently run by the treacherous liberal-socialist/pro-EU coalition which serves the interests of the global financial oligarchy.

3. About Novorossiya and Maidan. What is your opinion on this conflict? Which side do you support?

Funded and organised by the Western power centers, the so-called “Euromaidan” was not only directed against the people of Novorossiya, but against the whole of Ukraine as an Orthodox Christian country. We hoped that Ukrainian people would recognise the enemy’s intention to use Ukraine as a stepping stone for subsequent offensive against Russia. But after the Kiev pro-NATO junta took over the country, we had no choice but to support our brothers and sisters in Novorossiya.

4. Tell me more about Croatia and other Balkan states. Do you have allies among them? What is the origin of the Croats? What do you think about relations with Croatia?

All Balkan states are either members of NATO or occupied by NATO. That’s why there can be no true alliance between us until NATO and its puppets are kicked out of the Balkans. Historically, we’ve had closest relations with Greece and Romania, so we look forward to reforge those alliances. Macedonians [of the Vardar Macedonia] are also dear to us, although they’ve foolishly abandoned their Serbian identity, but still we are practically one and the same people.

As for the Croats, there are many theories about their ancient origin (Slavic, Germanic, Iranian, Turkic). But one thing is for sure: today’s Croats are an ethnic mixture of Hungarians, Aromanians, Jews, Turks, Italians, Albanians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, and – predominantly – catholicized Serbs. Relations? We can’t and we won’t forget the hundreds of thousands of innocent Serbs, especially more than 73.000 children, martyred at the hands of the Croatian Ustashi cutthroats during WW2! And we’ll never give up on Serbian Krajina which is currently occupied by the Zionist-supported “Republic of Croatia”. Only after this injustice is corrected and territory of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is rightfully returned to Serbian people, relations between Serbs and Croats can move forward.

5. As far as I know, your organization is supporting the idea of Greater Serbia. Tell me more about that.

The correct term is Great Serbia, not “greater”. And the meaning of this term is: liberated and unified Serbian lands. In other words, idea of Great Serbia is not about conquering foreign territories, but taking back Serbian homelands and unifying them into one single Serbian state. I'm talking about Serbian Krajina, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia proper (with Vojvodina and Kosovo & Metohija), and Vardar Macedonia. We hope to achieve this, but it won't be easy. It may take many years, perhaps decades, but if not ours, then the next generation of Serbs will create the true Fatherland.

6. I saw this blog ideja-nacije. It is a blog of pro-Ukrainian Serbs. They’re pagans also. What do you think about them? Are they popular in your country?

That blog is run by one confused youngster who has already made several such blogs. There are only a handful of these self-styled “Serbian national-socialists” who support Zionist puppets in “Pravyy Sektor” and other similar groups. The vast majority of the Serbian nationalists support Novorossiya. But that doesn’t mean we hate Ukrainians. Ukraine is also part of a Great and Holy Rus. And as for neopaganism, in Serbia it’s just a youth subculture with only a dozen or so “dedicated” followers. Genuine Serbian nationalism is inseparable from Orthodox Christianity, the faith of our holy Ancestors.

7. What about Šešelj? I watched many of his videos but it’s mostly in Serbian. So, what do you think about him?

We respect Vojislav Šešelj for standing up to the so-called Hague Tribunal and for presenting some historical facts to the international audience. But we don’t support him as a politician for ideological and various other reasons.

8. What about Pan-Slavism and “White Unity” which is popular among European nationalists? Do you want to cooperate with other Europeans? Which organizations do you communicate with?

We believe in the Slavic brotherhood, but real unity between Slavic nations will only be possible after we liberate ourselves from the Zionist/EU/NATO impact. The same goes for the White European unity.

We have contacts and cooperation with several nationalist groups and organisations in Europe. Best cooperation so far we had with Greek ‘Golden Dawn’ (Chrysí Avgí), Romanian ‘New Right’ (Noua Dreapta), Polish ‘Autonomous Nationalists’ (Autonomiczni Nacjonaliści), Russian Imperial Movement (Russkoe Imperskoe Dvizhenie) and German ‘Young National Democrats’ (Junge Nationaldemokraten).

9. What do you think about Aleksandr Dugin?

We don’t agree with some elements of Mr. Dugin’s ideology, but we are grateful for his support to the Serbian cause.

10. There are some “pro-Ukrainian” nationalists in Russia and other European countries. They support actions of today’s Kiev government and most of them are pagans. So, what do you think about them?

Among the nationalists in the West, neopaganism sometimes arises from the disappointment with the heterodox Christianity. However, for many of those self-styled “pagans”, paganism is just a code word for irresponsibility, moral impurity, promiscuity, nihilism, and even Satanism. Neopagans in the Orthodox Christian countries are either complete degenerates or too lazy to get to know the faith of their holy Ancestors. Either way, they are on a dangerously wrong path.

And as for “pro-Ukrainian” nationalists, it’s either ignorance or anti-Russian prejudice (or both).

11. And the last one. Will you help Russia if some kind of pro-Western Maidan-like “revolution” start here?

Of course. Don’t forget that the first Maidan-like revolution took place in Belgrade, 16 years ago. We will do whatever we can to help our Russian brothers and sisters avoid that trap.
Специально для Stopserbophilia.blogspot.com

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